Monday, January 15, 2007

Warm Western Bacon Cheesburger on a cold night

Yes, it’s been cold lately,… But will it snow in O.C., like it did in January of 1949 and 1882? Seems like we're about due.

Carl Karcher, founder of Carl's Jr. restaurants, will be added to the Anaheim/O.C. Walk of Stars this month. Although the "Walk of Stars" seems like a dubious enterprise, Karcher is certainly a significant figure in Anaheim's recent history. Viva Carl!

Disneyland Hotel chef Ysaias “Ray” Reyna passed away on Jan. 11th, at age 97. For 45 years, he helped make the hotel a special and memorable place for visitors. Five years ago, he was honored as the “Second Oldest Employee That Ever Worked at Disneyland.”

Dr. Barbara Stone will address the Capistrano Valley Republican Women Federated on Wednesday at 9am. Dr. Stone is brilliant and funny, and she understands the past, present and future of California government better than anyone. Her political science students at CSUF are lucky indeed. The meeting will be held at the Beach House Restaurant 25001 Dana Dr. in Dana Point Harbor. $15. For reservations, call (949) 496-2525.

After last week's post about the ruins of Lion Country Safari, I noticed that Chris Epting (author of the Arcadia book on Huntington Beach) has posted a brief look at the ruins of Marineland on YouTube. No, it wasn't in O.C., but it is related to the "dead local amusement parks" topic.

If you know of any upcoming events or projects related to local history, send me an email and I'll include it in a future update.

1 comment:

  1. priscila3:34 PM

    Ysaias was my Grandpa and was known to all of us as Poppy, thank you for writing such wonderful things of him!


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