Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Ghosts of Capistrano, etc.

On Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano, circa 1920.
Meet the ghosts of California's "most haunted city," San Juan Capistrano, in this article by local historian Pamela Hallan-Gibson
The Tustin Preservation Conservancy will hold a meet and greet" at Quinn's Old Town Grill, 405 El Camino Real, Thursday, 4-7pm. If you'd like to learn more about efforts to preserve Old Town Tustin, please attend this free event.
October is California Archives Month. Have you hugged your local archivist today?


  1. Anonymous4:04 PM

    I don't know about a hug, but if we ever get together I'll buy you a beer!

  2. Yes, I suppose that would be more appropriate, wouldn't it? Thanks! :-)


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