Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Turkeys, a plastic house, and The Great Flydini

Today's photo shows a turkey farm across the street from the Orange County Courthouse in Santa Ana, circa 1906. From this angle, we see the back and west side of the Courthouse and the old jail. The upper part of this image was really bad, so I had to do a lot of Photoshopping just to make the tower and jail visible. (As always, click on the image to embigulate it.)
Daveland recently featured a great series of photo features about the Monsanto Plastics Home of the Future at Disneyland. This house was so well built that the wrecking ball had no effect when they wanted to tear it down. It simply bounced off the side of the unaffected house. Eventually, they had to cut the plastic panels apart with hacksaws.

Steve Martin's autobiography, Born Standing Up, was released yesterday. In tribute, my Phoenix correspondent forwarded a link to Martin's interpretation of "El Paso." Also, here are some other links to Martin clips, including The Great Flydini, some classic magic tricks, and a short-subject film: The Absent Minded Waiter. As I've mentioned before, Martin got his start here in Orange County.

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