Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A Very Talbert Christmas

Here's County Supervisor Tom Talbert making balloon animals in a Santa suit at the joint Christmas party for the O.C. Associated Chambers of Commerce and the O.C. Coast Association. The event was held in Huntington Beach -- probably in the late 1940s. It seems the girl (above left) lacks faith in Tom's balloon-animal-making skills. I'm also including the shot below (with no balloons) so you can actually see Talbert. Most politicians want to be seen as Santa Claus, but Tom Talbert, as usual, took things to the next level.


  1. Lovely pictures! Though this time has gone. I am still trying to get that feeling of 40s through the party that I am organizing in one of the LA venues on Christmas. The party has a 40s theme and my granny and grandpa are super excited about it.


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