Thursday, January 24, 2008

Raiders of Thailand, etc.

"Federal agents raid Bowers Museum for smuggled antiquities." (O.C. Register)
For really interesting reading, also see the search warrant (PDF). This is all shocking, but not entirely a surprise.
Also see more in the L.A. Times, on the Orange Juice Blog, and in video coverage on KABC-TV.
Oddly enough, before this story broke I was going to write that Bowers' blog has a feature on O.C.'s pre-historic cogstones. But clearly, this is bigger news.


  1. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Great Raiders graphic, Chris! Maybe now the old rancho families can get their loot back too! Oh wait, that's been sold out the back door. I get dibs on the Clementine Langenberger portrait during the "raising bail money" auction.

  2. "Dr. Jones. Again we see there is nothing you can possess which I cannot take away."


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