Saturday, April 05, 2008

Corona del Mar, Rancho Potrero los Pinos & books

A beautiful weekend like this naturally made me think of the blue waters of Corona del Mar, seen here in about 1962. Not a lot has changed over the years. However, you may notice that those concession buildings are gone and some alterations have been made to the southern jetty at the mouth of Newport Harbor.
One hundred and sixty two years ago today, the last Mexican governor of California, Pio Pico, granted the Rancho Potrero los Pinos to Juan Forster, along with two other small ranchos in Riverside County. "Potrero los Pinos" means "pasture in the pines." It's now part of the Cleveland National Forest, in the northeast corner of the Orange County.
Alison Young’s new full-color 42-page book, Orange Crate Labels of Orange County, California, is now available through the Santa Ana Historical Preservation Society for $12, plust $3 for shipping. It includes 50 different labels, including some from my personal collection.
Also, a July publication date has been announced for Roberta Reed’s new book, Images of America: Santa Ana, 1940-2007. I’ll have more details on this later.


  1. Chris, the orange crate labels book did not seem to be available (or mentioned) on the Santa Ana Historical Preservation Society web site. Do you have any inside knowledge on if this will be updated soon?

  2. I have no idea when SAHPS will update their site. However, I know the book was included amid the stuff for sale listed in their latest newsletter.


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