Friday, March 09, 2018


Longtime local historian Phil Brigandi has built you a new website: I know just how much he loves computers (and how much they love him back), so you should appreciate this all the more. He jammed all those ones and zeroes into place with his bare hands to create a site that's professional-looking, interesting, and a useful reference. (With Phil's writing, you never have to wonder if the facts are really the facts.)

Phil has already posted some of his old articles, a bunch of new ones, a bit of primary source material, and is working on still more content to be uploaded soon. It's a very welcome addition to the growing family of online O.C. historical resources. The more good local history we can get into the public's hands, the better.

Phil's old website is still online too, at It also has a lot of great content, but it was mostly static and in retrospect seemed like a placeholder for the site he's debuting now.

"At its best," Phil writes on the new site's introduction, "local history can help give all of us a sense of connection to the past, a sense of belonging, a sense of place. We are all part of a larger story. If I can help build a growing appreciation of Orange County’s past, my work will be worthwhile."

It is very much worthwhile, my friend!

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