Friday, September 20, 2013

O.C. agriculture in 40 words

Upon learning that I'm writing a brief sketch of Orange County's agricultural history for a talk on Saturday, historian/archivist Stephanie George tells me, "Oh, that's easy: They grew things, but then there was a blight. So then they grew something else, but that got wiped out by another blight. Then they grew different things, but we bulldozed all that and covered it with houses. The end!"
Do I have great friends, or what?


  1. That's a perfect summary. Now flesh that out, Chris.

  2. Anonymous6:56 PM

    I remember the endless fields, field hands stooping to pick for hours, during and after the building of the Glen-Mar development in Huntington Beach in 1962-63. Wardlow School and streets were still crops. When JFK was assassinated, Wardlow was temporarily housed in a row of track homes some blocks away. Mr. Wardlow was a farmer who donated the land for the school and park. I went to school with one of his grandsons. My first grade teacher was Japanese and her family were farmers at Wintersburg.

    - HB kid in exile on the east coast


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