The Floral Park Neighborhood’s annual home tour will be held April 28th and 29th. This is one of the best tours of its kind in O.C. (Although you should check out the Anaheim tour in early summer also.) See Santa Ana in a whole new light. Discounted presale tickets are available if you order by April 23. Go to their website for more information.
SAHPS Annual Dinner Update: In addition to the aforementioned presentation on local theatres of the early 1900s, the SAHPS’ annual dinner will include the presentation of several awards. This year’s honorees include architect Don Krotee, “beloved” local historian Jim Sleeper (who finds SAHPS’ choice of adjectives amusing), and City Manager Dave Ream. For event information, click here.
The historic Twist-Basler House (1914) in Santa Ana will be moved to Cabrillo Park in late Spring 2007. (It is being moved to make way for the still-tenantless, 37-story, “One Broadway Plaza” project.) Additionally, someone at the City of Santa Ana is trying to research the history of the house for a grant application for its restoration. I’m kind of surprised that they haven’t visited the O.C. Archives, where the actual property records are available.
The photo above shows the building when it was the Twist residence.
Link: Information on Twist-Basler house (241Kb doc file)