The text on the back reads, "A charming Old English Hunt Club Atmosphere complete with stained glass windows, lush carpeting, rich upholstery, and authentic hunting shields. A truly beautiful dining room and cocktail lounge with a unique center stage on which appears the finest entertainment available seven nights a week. Max and Howard Schreiber personally extend a warm hospitality to all guests. in addition to Gourmet Dining every night, lunceon is served from 11 am to 2 pm daily."
Am I the only one who sees this place and thinks that Eyvind Earle's art for Disney's Cinderella may have had some influence here?
Great photo. I remember eating there. Did you have any info/photos on the old Green Brier Inn, in Garden Grove? Our wedding reception was there.
What was the street address? Is anything there now?
I think you're right RE the 'Sleeping Beauty' look.
Doh! Guess I got so excited I missed the address as posted...
Checked Google street view and it looks like there's a housing tract on the site now...oh well!
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