Today's photo shows a group of vaqueros (Mexican cowboys) in
Santa Ana in the 1880s. The photo comes from the
Santa Ana Public Library, but I don't have any additional information. Their fancy-shmancy attire and the wagon behind them suggest they might be part of a parade. But which parade? (The famous Parade of Products launched around 1906.) In any case, it's a pretty great (if small) image and I wanted to share. If you know more about it, please leave a note in the comments.
Wow, what a cool photo! Sorry I don't know anything about it...but it is neat!
Certainly looks like a parade photo (notice the matching ribbons several of the men are wearing), and the Parade of Products makes good sense. The 1880s is certainly too early (notice the power pole in the background).
Wonder what building that is behind them? A school perhaps?
Phil B.
The picture is awesome! My Mexican family lived in Santa Ana at this time and they were Vaqueros, they also lived in the San Fernando Valley, Simi Valley, in fact my GGG grandfather bought the first church bell in Simi Valley, he ordered it from the Sears and Roebuck catalog and had shipped by train from back east, it now sits in the Simi valley historical museum. Thank you for this picture.
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