Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A call to action: Help save historic Wintersburg

I'm stealing most of the following from the folks at the Historic Wintersburg blog, where you can read more about it...

The Huntington Beach City Council will discuss the potential for preservation of the (now endangered) historic Wintersburg buildings at their meeting on Mon., July 16, 6pm. The folks working to save this site ask you to please send the Council email prior to this meeting (see instructions and details below) and possibly also attend the meeting to show your support for the site.

The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2000 Main St. The buildings in the crosshairs include the Furuta family house (1912) and barn (likely predates 1912 home), and the Wintersburg Japanese Presbyterian Mission (1910), manse (1910-1911) and Church (1934). It is the single most important extant Asian American historical site in Orange County. All these buildings are slated for demolition by the current property owner.

A draft Focused Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) is being prepared by the City to analyze the cultural resources of the property per the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). However, I'm told the draft FEIR does not include preservation measures, including in situ preservation or relocation of the buildings.  Councilwoman Connie Boardman has agendized the "Warner-Nichols" (Wintersburg) project for discussion at the July 16 Council meeting and has asked for a complete CEQA analysis, including historic preservation alternatives.

 CEQA requires state and local public agencies identify the environmental impacts of proposed discretionary projects, determine if the impacts will be significant, and identify alternatives and mitigation measures that will substantially reduce or eliminate significant impacts to the environment.  Historical resources are considered part of the environment
Write today to prevent the erasure of history. Send an email asking the City Council to:
  • Direct a complete CEQA analysis of historic preservation alternatives, including both preservation in situ (onsite) and relocation for preservation
  • Make the historic preservation of the century-old "Warner-Nichols" Wintersburg property a priority
  • Deny demolition of historically significant buildings  located on the Warner-Nichols property, including the Furuta family home and barn, and the Wintersburg Japanese Presbyterian Mission, manse and Church
Emails should be sent by Saturday, July 14, to the "Huntington Beach City Council," with the subject, "Public Communications for July 16, 2012 Council meeting," and should reference the "Warner-Nichols (Wintersburg)" project.

  • Go to
  • Click on "Make a service request - Agenda & Public Hearing Comments"
  • Select request:  "Comment"
  • Select: "City Council - Agenda & Public Hearing Comments"
  • You may attach a letter/document or write in your comments
  • Your comments are automatically forwarded to all City Council members, the City Manager's office and the City Clerk's office.

1 comment:

Surf City Writer said...

Thank you, Chris! I'm so grateful for your many years of fighting for Wintersburg.

We need support from everyone who cares about the preservation of local history.
