Wednesday, February 20, 2008

San Clemente Casino photos needed

Today's image comes with a plea from San Clemente Historical Society president Mike Cotter:

"The Historical Society desperately needs to find historical photos of the Casino or Sebastian’s building, especially photos of the interior.

"As you may know, there is a proposal currently before the City to slide the historic Casino building to a corner of the property, demolish its original historic “Patio of the Stars” and other historic out-buildings, and build a large condo complex on the parcel. This project would demolish the historic importance of the Casino building.

"Thanks to the efforts of many Society volunteers, an Environmental Impact Report was ordered for the project.

"But there are virtually no pictures we have found that show how the building looked, especially the interior, in years past. Without such documentation, the community is at greater risk of losing the historic resource.

"If you have any historical pictures of the building, please contact me as soon as possible. We just need to make copies of your historical photos. Please help to save the Casino!"

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