Friday, March 30, 2018

Hurlbut, Knott's. Tiki, OCHS, etc...

On the heels of my two-parter about Bud Hurlbut's unrealized Polynesian boat ride at Knott's, Chris Murray was kind enough to send a long these aerial photos he purchased at Bud's estate sale seven years ago. As he points out, they really show how developed things were on that side of Highway 39.
Speaking of my Tiki Lagoon website, I posted a little tribute to the Sam's Seafood/Don the Beachcomber there a couple days ago. It's so sad to see this O.C. landmark disappear. I'll write a longer piece about it soon.

In other news, the Orange County Historical Society's office and archives will be open tomorrow (Saturday) from 10am to 2pm. Feel free to come by if you have research you'd like to do. We may not have time for idle chatter tomorrow, as there's still a lot of work to do on the collections.

Special thanks to Joan at the Cheney Washington Historical Society for her help with a bedeviling detail or two in researching my ongoing F.B. Silverwood series of articles. Turned out I was barking up the wrong tree, but thanks to her at least I know that now. Also thanks to Stephanie George for assisting me with her mad genealogy skills. (For the two history folk in the world who don't know this yet: The tools of genealogy work equally well in researching long-dead people you're NOT related to!)

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