Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Knott's, Buena Park & the Newport Pop Festival

We've all heard of Walter Knott, and most of us have seen photos of him. But you don't often see film of him. Here's a rare example from the 1960s.

The Buena Park Historical Society has added short photographic tours of the Bacon House and Whittaker-Jaynes House to their website.

Jeff Overley of the Register is working on a story about the Newport Pop Festival's 40th anniversary. If you attended the show "back in the day," he'd love to hear from you. (Thanks to OCThen.com for this item.)

It's a slow day, so I thought I'd remind everyone that you're welcome to join and add photos to the O.C. History group on Flickr.


outsidetheberm said...

It's just a crying shame that the Freedom Center was bulldozed a few years back...

Anonymous said...

hello.. i know its probably wrong to post this up here, but Anyway, I was wondering if anyone could put up pictures and/or information about the history of Fountain Vally High School. I am a current student and I want to know if it really was built on top of a slaughterhouse, and if so, was there an earthquake that killed innocent people inside? Any pics/info would be great. Thanks.

Chris Jepsen said...

Yes, and the angry spirits that still haunt the school have cursed your football team -- Which is why they will lose to the Chargers on Thursday.

Seriously,... No, there was never a slaughterhouse there. And nobody was killed in an earthquake on that site either. Someone has been pulling your leg.

Go Chargers!

Chris Jepsen said...

I suppose I should mention what WAS at the site of F.V. High before it was built: Row crops. Flat agriculture. Truck farming. Maybe a farmhouse and a couple out buildings.